Memorial Handtied Bouquets

Memorial Handtied Bouquets

from $42.00

Honor your loved ones with a bouquet of beautiful fresh flowers that embraces the elegance of their spirit and brings comfort to those who are mourning. Memorial bouquets are a heartfelt addition to any funeral service, memorial service, or wake.

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Choose your preferred color pallets, your preferred size and add any other preferences in the additional information form that pops up once you add to cart.

Be sure to add shipping address and LOCAL POSTAL CODE when you check out for all local deliveries.

The image posted may not perfectly represent the exact arrangement the recipient will receive. Our experienced designers will substitute florals and containers accordingly if necessary to maintain a similar look and feel based on your selections. Flowers will always be filled to the specified value. Substitutions will occur due to seasonality, availability, weather and quality control. If there are specific flowers that are a must, please give our Design Studio a call at 587-877-2899 or use the comments section in the ‘flower order checklist’ and we will do our very best to fill your request.

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Memorial Accents

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Memorial Casket Spray

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Memorial Wreath

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